Saturday, February 18, 2012

Keeping on budget

I'm often asked, "How much is your grocery bill?"  In this economy, and especially in single-income families, keeping and staying on budget is more crucial than ever.  When I was first married 13 years ago, we had budgets, but they were more like standards and guides than actual budgets, and they weren't policed at all.  Ever go to the ATM to draw $$ and found that you had negative funds? That happened to me, a few times. Today in my home my budget and bank records are checked daily and there isn't a trip to the store that isn't calculated. It is a daunting task and a frustrating reality at times, but there is a comfort in knowing what to expect and  knowing  I can use my gifts to serve my family in this area.  Family finances are indicative of stewardship. Bank statements don't pull any punches, do they? 
    Finance is an area that a husband and wife should approach with much prayer, and honesty. In our house, I am "in charge" of finances, but Matt is absolutely the head of our home and that includes the $$$$. We pray about bigger purchases and for God's provision. We keep eachother accountable. We view Matt's salery as a stewardship from the Lord.
   We are nearly debt free (aside from the house).  With our tax return we are paying off credit cards and Ben's braces. This frees up nearly 300 a month to be applied to the car payment. We are prayerfully on our way to car pay-off in two years. We still have a need to keep our credit card for emergencies until we build up two month's expences in savings. This "emergency fund" is something that we have not had before but really REALY would like to have, God willing, of course.

Here are a great link: a cash envelope tutorial. She also sells the sets laminated,  on Etsy

Here's some of mine. Cute, huh? Having cash on hand is a great way to keep on budget. The envelopes make it easy to see how much, or how little, there is to spend.
To answer the grocery budget question; I budget 700 a month for groceries and non food items like paper products, shampoo, baby wipes etc. I coupon and sale shop when I can.

Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Christ Jesus."

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