Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Need Some Quiet / Play Dough Recipe


Have a half an hour time slot in your day that demands your focus but it seems to be the time the kiddos squawk, whine, and run amok? I call it roosting. Where we live, in the fall, we get a tremendous amount of crows.  In the late afternoon they start cawing and collecting together in large numbers. They fly from their perch in great big clusters and swarm a bit only to land back in the same tree and repeat 50 million times. It all seems very random and frenzied to me, but I'm beginning to think (observing my boys) that this is what the crows must do to get all their energy out so when the crow mommies tuck them in they will sleep through the night.

I need to make dinner, the roosting begins. Something like this:

I'm wielding a knife chopping veggies, there are two little boys clinging to my knees and pulling on my pant leg. The phone rings, one of the big boys comes in to forage for food minutes before dinner. I start to correct.  The door bell rings, older boy #2 is asking if his friend, who's followed him in the kitchen carrying a box of dirt and matching shoes, can play and "do we have any chips?" and "what do worms eat exactly?"  and by the way "did you sign that really important thing that's due tomorrow?" and "do you know where it is Mom?  I haven't seen it since school and I forget what it looks like."  and oh my, the baby is stinky.  Again.  The three year old has something of importance to the ten year old and I hear the verbal tug-o-war escalating in the next room. It could be over a bag of chips.  I realize I'm holding the phone. "Hello?" 

Sound familiar?  Much of the chaos is circumstantial, and perspective is everything.  To every thing there is a season, right?  My goal is to keep calm in these harried times, and demonstrate to my big guys how to handle difficult circumstances.

So when things get crazy and the kids are roosting, please don't forget to pray. Pray out loud so they can hear you. Don't you want them turning to the Lord in the very midst of their trials?

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

Then...get out the play dough, random kitchen utencils and cookie cutters,and  put on some praise music.

When the neighbor comes by to pick up her son (the one with the dirt) she comments "You are so creative! Your kids are so good. Your home is always so calm."


Roll up your sleeves girls. We're making play dough.  It is so easy-peasy and really fun. Have the kiddos help knead. Trust me, you will love LOVE the way play dough contains and occupies kids of all ages. Even the baby plays in his high chair.  Praise the Lord, he doesn't try to eat it, although when he's done he will throw it on the floor :)

You are going to want to make a batch in every color. And maybe one with glitter.  And did you know you can add some extracts for scented play dough? How about essential oils? hmmmmmmm calming lavendar??

Ingredients needed:
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tarter
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • food coloring
  • peppermint extract (or scent of your choice)
  • glitter if you want sparklies but use the really fine glitter.
1. Combine all ingredients except coloring, glitter and scented extract in medium saucepan.
2. Stir continuously over medium heat until smooth and pulls away from sides of pan. Remove from heat.
3. Plave dough ball on counter or cutting board and begin to knead when cool enough to handle.
4. Work in a few drops of extract or scented oil at a time making a depression in dough so it doesn't roll off onto counter. Add a few drops at a time until it smells enough to your taste. (but, no tasting!)
5. Divide in halves or fourths and add in coloring a few drops at a time, as you did the extract/scented oil.  This would be the time to add glitter also.
6. Store in quart size storage bags, or my favorite, these:

This dough will last all year. I have not had mine dry out, but I do toss it out when it gets to be crummy and hairy from multiple drops on the floor.

Here are some fun play dough ideas:

My boys love playing with plastic animals in play dough.
Construction vehicles. Brrrrrrrum!

Google eyes!
This is a great way for little ones to learn their letters and big guys study vocab/spelling.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Wishing

10 Wednesday Wishes

Wish I had more time to give myself a pedicure.
Wish I had a banana tree in my backyard that produced 3 ripe bananas a day.
Wish Matt and I could be together in our dreams at night and dream that we are sitting in our chairs on the beach holding hands.
Wish I could get the grout in the hall bath really clean and maintain it.
Wish we could replace our windows.
Wish the rats would stay out of our attic this summer.
Wish I was better at math.
Wish I were brave to share the gospel to my neighbor.
Wish I wasn't such a control freak about laundry and let the boys help.
Wish I will make time to visit my Nana this week.

Matthew 6:33  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  well, maybe not the co-dreaming with Hubby, or the banana tree, but wouldn't that be cool?!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Movie Review

Gifted Hands the Ben Carson Story

available at this date on Netflix instant streaming

This is one of the best movies I've seen all year.  Family friendly in content above age 7 (for some medical drama/surgery and two family argument scenes, racial opinionated character, and one teenage fight.) All very tastefully portrayed and great  teachable moments (press pause and talk about it!)  Movie time can be treated like "book time"  ; hold your place and ask questions. It is a great way to stay engaged as a family while watching a movie.

This biographical story follows Ben from boyhood to adult, overcoming obstacles of circumstance and learning to gain control over his anger and frustration issues. Although he deals with anger as a weakness, he is a sweet boy/ man who has a wonderful support system in his mother and evident faith.    Although sin no longer reigns in us (as Christians) it does still remain in us and we have to choose what to do with that sinful nature. What a great discussion point.  On more than one occasion in the movie, Ben prays, seeking the Lord's help to deal with his anger.

This one is on my TO BUY list. It is clean, has great spiritual relevance, teachable moments, sweet RESPECTFUL boys, and a mother like no other.

*I always preview movies before showing my boys and I encourage you to do the same regardless of how "family friendly" I deem it to be.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Family Friendly Movies and Legacies

I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me. Psalm 101:3

One thing I will not abide by in my home is trash movies and television. Call us conservative, old-fashioned...but I won't allow the following(among others) when it comes to media entertainment:

Immodest dress. ~ Enough boobs already! Is it just me or is there a shocking lack of cami's on screen?!

Disrespectful children to parents/adults.~ This happens in so many "kid" movies.

Cursing and swearing. ~ Why? Too many movies are ruined due to lack of vocabulary on the part of the writers.

Broken home.~ does EVERY movie family have to come from a broken home? Can we be fair and have HALF of movie parents married? And boyfriends/girlfriends sleeping over?! REALLY.

Snotty, grumpy teenagers~ Children don't automatically turn into trolls incapable of productivity,love and respect for parents when they enter puberty. They actually can be enjoyable, helpful, respectful, self-controlled and caring. (soap box statement alert) Parents  have to "step up a notch" in their parenting at this time instead of allowing bad behavior patterns to continue.   A great site by FOCUS ON THE FAMILY that review current in- theater movies as well as old ones. It gives a breakdown of content both positive and negative. 

A  Short list of movies that we enjoy watching together:

Lord Of the Rings
Star Wars
Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Arc and Last Crusade *with kissing scenes skipped
The Black Stallion
National Velvet
True Grit - old and new versions
Napoleon Dynamite
Facing the Giants
Night at the Museum
Swiss Family Robinson
Polar Express
Charlotte's Web
Amazing Grace
Narnia movies
National Treasure movies *kissy parts skipped
Ken Burns Documentaries; America Story of Us, and Baseball
Fiddler on the Roof

Girly Picks:
Anne of Green Gables
Sense and Sensibility
Pride and Prejudice

As you can tell, I have all boys. I do make a point to take an interest in what they watch. Likewise, I will not watch anything that I would not in good conscience view in front of my boys. I recently had an epiphany; my possessions are telling of my character. Do my books, dvd's and music choices reflect character I want associated with myself? If I were to leave this earth while I had children at home, would what I left behind leave the kind of legacy I would want? Or, would going through my possessions cause confusion, contradiction or reveal my own compromise? How will I be remembered? This was VERY helpful to me in clearing out the media cabinets! I filled a few boxes for the garage of movies and books. 

Yes, some of the shows we enjoy have scenarios or judgments on behalf of the characters that we as a family do not stand behind.  So I make every effort not to let an opportunity for family discussion to pass by. Even though I have not liked pressing pause at an exciting part of a movie initially, we have had some wonderful heart to heart discussions that have been the highlight of family movie night.

Psalm 51:6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Psalm 86:11 Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name
